Overcoming the challenges of eczema whilst building a business.
On the 6th episode of #BossSeries we had the pleasure of inviting Christina Honey to the show. Christina is an entrepreneur, a PR consultant and an amazing human being. We explored Christina's journey managing eczema, a chronic skin condition, and how it led to her founding Honey’s Skin Care.

Christina’s Childhood
Christina mentioned how her parents did not immediately know that she had eczema, they found a dark patch on her skin which later spread to other parts of her body.
Symptoms of the condition include severe pain in her skin, and some days Christina felt it difficult to get out of bed.
Growing up Christina was conscious that she looked different to other girls and her faith really helped her to deal with her insecurities. She said that she tried to “bring other things to the table,” such as her positive attitude and smile.
Christina’s Entrepreneurial dream
Christina mentioned how she wants to have more control over her life and she believes that owning a business gives her freedom.
She also understands how fragile life is. Whilst at university Christina had a really testing season with eczema. She found it hard to get out of bed and she had to rely on her housemates to help her get changed and do basic human functions.
Periods like this gave Christiana a realisation that she has nothing to lose; inspiring her to pursue her dreams.
With this in mind, when Christina was 20, when she developed a written life plan of all the things she would like to accomplish by certain ages. This plan keeps her focused on her goals and gives her direction.
Christina’s first business
Christina’s first business was a clothing line. Her dream is to produce wedding gowns and she mentioned that one of her business rules is to not immediately sell your final product. She used this business to build a client base, test out manufactures and business processes.
She got a free domain and did not spend any money on stock. Christina would use the profit she made on orders to pay for more products from her suppliers.
How she developed Honey’s Skincare
Christina entered into a university incubator. They had a business competition where students would enter business plans and present in front of a panel. Christina decided against pitching her fashion line as the business was already starting to flourish.
However, in her free time, she began mixing ingredients and making her own creams in her university room as a hobby. She decided that the competition would be a great way to test out her idea for Honeys Skincare.
She ended the competition as a runner up after a valiant effort. Pitching the idea gave her insights on the holes in her business plan and allowed her to fill those gaps. Till today she is still involved with the incubator where she receives business advice.
How Christina juggles a job and her business
Christina stressed how important it is to plan and to take responsibility for your actions. She meticulously plans her business around her work life despite having a long commute and working long hours.
Christina story should encourage you that despite whatever obstacle is in front of you, with determination, the right mindset and planning, anything is achievable. We look forward to following Christina’s journey in the future.
If you have a business that you are looking to scale, message IAMedia for a free business consultation. We are digital marketers and content creators. Our email is Info@iamedia.co.uk